Fine Art Scanning & Copying

Share your art with the world!

Transform your original paintings and illustrations into full-quality, digital files. Our art copy process makes it easy to prepare your large format designs for print, web, and display. Village Green Preservation will help you confidently transition your art and design projects into stunning products!

Original painting reproduced from a high resolution digital copy scan.

The right scanning options for your project.

Choose the scan quality, file types and correction options that meet your needs and fit your budget. We carefully copy your original art get the right digital images for sharing, printing, creative projects, enlargement or restoration.

Look your best in print, web and beyond.

Digital files that fit your needs.

We can work with your favorite print shop or web designer to create files that fit their workflow. This can help ensure high-quality, consistent digital and print copy from your original art.

Local service in Bozeman, Montana.

Art Copy Scan to Digital High-Resolution Files

At our Bozeman workshop, we handle all art copying and scanning tasks in-house. Your precious artwork remains right here, experiencing minimal movement and handling throughout the digitization process. We expedite art scanning orders to ensure your original pieces return to your hands promptly. Call 406.404.1576 to  

High resolution uncompressed files for any project


  • Up to 8×10: Starting at $10 per scan
  • Up to 9×12: Starting at $15 per scan
  • Up to 12×18: Starting at $25 per scan
  • Larger or 3D pieces reproduced from full-frame camera images: Call for pricing and options for oversize or irregular art copy scan to digital.


  • Each image is carefully stitched and color corrected.
  • Complimentary download link to easily access and share your files.

Additional Options

Take your art beyond basic copy to digital files:

  • Custom file preparation for print, publishing or web, on request.
  • We are your single (local) point of contact for print and merchandising projects.

In need of our fine art scanning & copying services?

In need of our fine art scanning & copying services?